Takt Definitions
Notice to proceed:
A notice to proceed is a letter from the owner or Director of a company or business to a contractor. This notice will Inform the contractor of the date that she can start work, as outlined In a previous contract. The date mentioned in the notice to proceed will Be the official start of the contract.
Substantial completion:
substantial completion means the project, or a portion of the project, is fit for its intended use.
Final Completion:
Final completion marks the ultimate conclusion of a Construction project. It signifies that all work, including both major And minor tasks, has been finished in accordance with the contract Requirements.
Constraints are permanent or semi-permanentconditions In project conditions or the train of trades that restrict function. They are things that, once improved as best we can, we just must deal With and plan around.
A roadblock is anything that can hold up the progress of work done in a sequence or train of trades in construction.
Work density:
The ratio of a trades’ workload over the resources he or she has available to perform that work.
Takt Wagons:
One or more work packages or scope(s) of work packaged into a Single takt time and linked to other work packages within a takt train.
Work Packages:
A group of related tasks within a project that will be Completed within the same takt time within the same takt zone.
Train Of trades:
Trade crews performing work in a sequence that are leveled And packaged into takt wagons as a part of what is called the train of Trades. It symbolizes the function of the trades when working together Going the same speed and same distance apart.
The Limiting factor (I.E., constraint) that stands in the way of achieving a Goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no Longer the limiting factor.
Line of balance:
A line of balance Diagram comprises a series of inclined lines which represent the rate of Production between repetitive operations in a construction sequence.
Takt plan:
A construction schedule in a time by location format that shows the train of trades flowing in the body of the schedule and that complies with the taktguide.Com website.
Toyota production system:
The toyota production system (tps) is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices.
Takt planning:
The process of creating a takt plan in the macro or norm levels.
Takt steering:
The process of controlling the operation of the train of trades and steering around project constraints.
Takt control:
The process of controlling project circumstances to clear the path for the train of trades and governing the way the trades perform their work.
Make the best or most effective use of any component of the plan.
Critical path method:
(CPM) is a project management technique for process planning that defines critical and non-critical tasks and compiles them into a network.
A system which notifies managerial, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem.
Flow unit:
The basic unit whose movement through a system is prioritized.
Last planner®:
A system for project production that promotes the creation of a collaborative and predictable workflow among various parties so that it achieves reliable results.
Scrum is a management framework that teams use to self- organize and work towards a common goal.
Time inserted between two activities which lessens or moderates the impact of a delay.
Takt calculator:
The takt calculator is a spreadsheet that calculates your ideal zoning strategy based on takt wagons, takt zones, and takt time. It shows columns of information that help builders to identify their ideal zoning strategy. Kevin rice invented it by adapting various little’s law formulas to calculate ideal parameters for a schedule to ideally flow.
Zoning strategy:
The strategy the project team decided upon to properly set the speed of the train of trades in a phase by deciding on the amount of zones to have in a phase. The strategy is mainly focused on the number of zones the team is selecting for the phase to ensure there is a promised speed, target speed, and backup speed.
Realized flow potential:
An evaluation of the current flow of a takt train compared to the fastest flow possible. This is normally governed by the smallest time denominator that is achievable. The current standard of a 1 day takt time is the most commonly used in the construction industry. We use this to measure and confirm reasonable ranges for the speed of the train of trades.
The efficiency parametric:
The efficiency parametric compares the number of takt wagons and takt sequences and ensures the phase does not have over a 1:3 ration of the number of each in comparison to each other. The ideal metric should be .3 to 3.0 when calculating the metric. This ensures the takt sequences are structured ideally for optimum efficiency. This parametric is included in the calculator.
The value parametric:
The value parametric divides the takts that are used in a takt plan by the empty takts. This parametric tracks the value being provided in the flow of the work, and it should range between .5 and 2.5 when calculated as an ideal. This ensures the takt plan is structured in a way to provide maximum value. This parametric is included in the calculator.
The stability parametric:
The stability parametric divides the train buffers by the end buffers. The ideal metric for this is .5 to 2.0 ideally, and the metric ensures you have a takt plan that is stable with the appropriate ratio of buffers. If you create buffers based on our recommendations later in this book you will comply with this parametric.
Swing capacity:
Swing capacity is the ability to move labor to workable backlog or labor from workable backlog to the train of trades to support the flow of work. The backlog work can either enable labor to stay busy or provide labor to recover a delayed train or wagon when problems arise. It creates a buffer in the amount of labor resources that are available onsite.