12 principles of the Takt Production System® 01 Always begin with identifying zones with zone density when beginning a schedule. 02 You must have a schedule you can see that is beautiful & clear. 03 Takt plans are made no later than schematic design so we can protect the budget and duration. 04 The person building the job always makes or aligns with Takt schedule. 05 You need a production system, not just a schedule. 06 Cost, production, quality, and safety are all equal, but the schedule comes first and enables the rest. 07 A schedule is not functional without a functional way to manage procurement from the start. 08 Your quality control plan is a flow system. Build it right and you will go fast. 09 Masters study logistics. Your logistics plan is part of the schedule. 10 A plan, schedule, and production system must be complete and reviewed before leaving pre-con. 11 Always protect trade flow. 12 You should always be able to see your buffers compared to the end date.